Sales of Full Fat Dairy Products on the Rise

dairy products

dairy productsDairy is in the news this morning. A survey of 2,000 Waitrose shoppers found that a third switched from buying low-fat dairy products to full-fat products in the last year, with under 35s most likely to have made the change. Marks and Spencer’s cafes have switched to whole milk as their default option due to modern diet advice. This trend has been emulated worldwide.

This change is believed to be due to a change in consumer attitudes to dairy. Nutritional experts say that previous advice that emerged in the 1980s suggesting that dairy was unhealthy and too fattening is wrong, and within the past few years, several studies have been published showing that not only are non- or low-fat options not making people healthier, but in some cases, they also might be causing harm:

  • Full-fat yoghurts contain live cultures which help support your gut, whereas low-fat versions generally do not.
  • Some reduced fat products compensate the reduction with the addition of unhealthy levels of salt and sugar.
  • Milk from grass-fed cows, as most cows are in the UK, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other vitamins, which are often removed when the fat is skimmed off.
  • Plant-based milk alternatives are not equivalent to dairy products in terms of nutritional value

So enjoy your guilt free whole milk latte this morning.

Read more:–spencer-milk-announcement-28793618



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